Monday, November 12th 2007 • Family, Holidays

Turkey Time…Already.

So Alex’s teacher came up with a Family Project…the emphasis on *family*, please…for *everyone* in your family to help decorate a turkey…so Alex requested jewels (he’s a Mama’s Boy alright), feathers and buttons…our turkey had to look like it came from a pirate’s treasure chest…or at least that it was tar’d and feathered (or in our case, hot glued) in pirate booty (no, not the corn puff snack). And Ken held Beckham, so the puppy could “watch.”

In the pic below, Alex is laughing because Ken mentioned how cute he looked in his headgear…he was wearing reindeer antlers at the time. Alex made me promise not to put the pic on the blog…oops! my fingers were crossed little dude! We’ve been watching “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” on TV…why not, the stores are decorating in August for Christmas so why shouldn’t the TV stations follow by airing holiday movies early???….sigh…whatever happened to airing “The Wizard of Oz” on Thanksiving Day and then the festive videos could follow???…childhood just isn’t the same…next thing you know it’ll be “Frosty’s Christmas in July”…wait, they’ve already made that movie!!!

So here’s the final bejeweled result!

And a wreath I made to display all the lovely Play-Doh crosses the Sunday School kids made for me…aren’t they sweet? The one depicting a snowman in lieu of Christ (the cross is red and snowman is white…on the right) was made by Alex…he’ll tell you it was the only mold that looked like a person. Hmmm…well, the intentions were good, eh?

Hope you find some peace in this pre-holiday moment…only 11 days left until Thanksgiving!

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