Friday, November 23rd 2007 • Family, Holidays

Turkey Day Recap.

This year for the first time since 1994, it was just us… but as you can see the festivities were in full swing –

File Under: Things To Be Thankful For

Alex – My family, friends and my house.
Kata – My family.
Bella -Elmo.
Sophie – My family, our friends – near and far, my health.
Ken – All the football on TV and ESPN2 in HD…kidding…he actually said “our family.”

Alex’s turkey centerpiece was our primary focus on our table decor…the actual turkey and stuffing was wonderfully moist, the mashed potatoes turned out great…sweet potato casserole was perfectly done…Ken stirred the gravy so it had no lumps whatsoever and miracle of all miracles…all the kids ate the turkey this year!! Woo-hoo, Kata had seconds and thirds…who knew?

Mama said there were marshmallows…on the turkey?? I don’t think so…

Ooooh! The marshmallows are on the sweet potatoes…I get it!

Here are our Thankful Boxes from Sunday School…great job using old cigar boxes and beads and lots and lots of Modge Podge!

And the meal ended with none other than….Gate Pumpkin Pie…for those of you who do not know…Gate is Kata’s stuffed elephant who gets her through things like seperation anxiety and flu shots…so in honor of him…the mini pies…and yes, for those of you playing I Spy with My Little Eye…there are giraffes and bears as well….don’t ask…I wanted to even it out for Bella and Alex.

Happy Thanksgiving to you one and all…may you have a moment today to remember all the things you are grateful for this year.

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