The thing about living in the mountains is that the weather can change in a blink of an eye. This was last weekend when my parents came out to visit and we went to Sand Harbor. Peaceful. 84 blissful degrees and then a slight breeze…okay…one of our famous zephyrs…who knew those existed except in legends and songs?…And then BAM! two foot swells…
As you can see we enjoyed every minute of them…and even the water temp…a balmy 54…seemed less freezing…we came back to toasty 97 degree conditions in Reno…and we felt so calm and tired and full of sand…but fulfilled, for a minute, with surfing dreams.
And then Bush came to Reno…and left…this is the pic of Airforce One from our Master Bedroom window…looks better in the original then on the blog…you can actually see the “United…tes of America” logo in the original. Yes…there was quite a bit of zoom going on…but it was still pretty cool to see the plane take off and land…For the record, he was the first sitting president to come to Reno…and now our Grand Sierra Resort (formerly the Hilton) can boast a Presidential Suite for a mere $1,000/night…yikes…y’all know where I land on the political end of all this…but it was cool to see the plane and our Mt. Rose behind it…I know…where’s the pic with the mountain…that was a little too far to zoom…ahem…shutter delay…or a jillion other excuses…
We’ve had plenty of presidential candidates coming through lately…and I am sure many more to come given our early primary…stay tuned…My Mama’s for Obama shirts are being printed as we speak…and for the record, no, I haven’t decided…yet.
Then the most important celebration of them all…Djedo’s delayed birthday celebration. The kids really wanted a pirate theme what with his sailing ventures and all…but we opted for the more elegant chocolate extravaganza courtesy of Joseph’s again…this time…a chocolate truffle torte which was worth the $4 extra dollars because apparently it’s a “specialty cake.” Love small town marketing ideals. But hey, they sometimes work.
And yes, most of you know Birthday Math…it’s always the birthday + 1 for the total amount of candles…and for us…ahem…in our middle decades we like to do the decade +1….so even though he’s a septuagenarian and proud of it…he’s got that eighth good luck candle…
Happy Dirt Day, Djedo (yes, Bella still calls it that) and many more!