Monday, July 23rd 2007 • Balance, Places We Go

Saturday in the Park

“Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July

People dancing, people laughing,
A man selling ice cream….”

Okay, it was Sunday…but I have that Oldies but Goodies theme going with the titles…I grant you, this one’s a stretch…in between turning pages of the latest Harry Potter (80 more to go…and I don’t want it to end), we discovered a great park, Callaghan Park, to be exact…nestled in the foothills of Mt. Rose…it has shade, grass, a creek, picnic tables and two great play structures for the kids to play with. We brought Becks…who did his best David Beckham imitation and sat on the bench for most of the play time.

Okay, he went down the slide *once* with Alex…notice how they mirror each other’s expressions? Both cautious and playful…at once??

A handful of families came and went but we stayed for a few hours squeezing those last few moments of twilight. I have a feeling we’ll have many more “Saturdays” in this Park.

“And I’ve been waiting such a long time

For today….”

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