Djedo and Baka came to visit…and oh, what fun we had! My dad, the original Geek Extraordinaire, was joined by budding Geek Alex in completing a boy scout project…they built a radio! And it does work! Alex spent all last night listening to the ESPN feed of the World Series game through an earpiece…he kept calling out the play by play…annoying Ken slightly because the radio was a few seconds ahead of the HD channel…I guess I should add Go Sox! but y’all know that even though I grew up in Mass., I really don’t care about baseball…now hockey, is another matter but that’s another blog entry.
And here are the kids with Baka. My mom and I shopped, cooked, cleaned and in general caught up with our girlie gossip. It was wonderful to have them visit for a good long while. The kids just relished every moment of grandparental spoilage. I am certain that a huge amount of unconditional love is good for both sides of the generational equation!
Roger also stopped by and it was so good to see him (although by some miracle no pictures were taken)…Bella’s never met him but she took immediately to him shouting “Uncle Woger!” at every opportunity she could. All of us loved seeing him and chatting again…even though he and I sit on the opposite sides of the political fence…it’s always good to have a sparring buddy! We can hardly wait until he stops by again.