We had such an exciting Friday morning…the girls and I got to see “Sesame Street Live – Elmo Makes Music.” For those of you in the know…you are already aware that Bella is a self appointed uber-fan of Elmo’s. She loves the red, fuzzy, furball more than just about anything…well, except her Binky (the pacifier) but that’s another bridge, over troubled water, which we’ll have to cross soon. The show lived up to our 23-month old’s expectations…she just kept saying…”Oh! My…JOSH!…Oh! My…JOSH!” over and over again. And yes, I had to do two diaper changes before the show was over.But the excitement doesn’t end there..Today, Kata and I attended Sunflower Preschool’s Mothers Day Tea. We dressed up for an mid-morning tea party and were treated to all sorts of yummy goodies…including the apple juice punch which truly tasted better once it was half-sipped from a cup then poured back into the punch bowl, ladeled out once again, sipped some more, dumped, ladel, sip, dump…just sharing the love and bacteria! Kata’s Saintly Teachers all willingly posed for us…Ms. Andrea, Ms. Valerie and Ms. Binn…who’s real name is Brinn…but with Kati’s mispronounciations and insistance that she is *always* right (must be Ken’s gene!?!)…we all thought it was Ms. Binn for months. Look at the pride on Kata’s face!
The teachers led all of the children in some adorable renditions of motherly songs…that left us all teary eyed and humming…of course, I sat in the front but on the opposite side of where Kata stood. Fortunately, she’s tall and her lilac Ariel bow peaks out! (Look to the left of the teacher in back wearing a navy dress…see? the bow???)
And when I complain that I *never* get jewelry, please, remind me that my oldest daughter is always in tune with my jewelry wardrobe needs…she made me the most beautiful necklace…complete with a heart that says “Worlds Best Mother” and bells.