Monday, September 24th 2007 • Family, Milestones

Let There Be…Snow?!?

These pics were taken on Friday, September 21st (double-click on the first pic and it should enlarge)…and we finally had some rainfall in the valley and snow (?!?) in the mountains…hmmm…is this a sign of the winter to come?…will we have a Fall this year??? Stay tuned…the one thing about Reno weather is if you hold your breath, it will change!

2 Responses to “Let There Be…Snow?!?”

  1. Valerie says:

    hmmm…my sis in law lives out in Cold Springs, and one Easter, it really snowed. hard. completely made it hard for the Easter Bunny!

  2. I believe it! It snowed here on Cinco de Mayo this year! sigh…it would be nice to actually have a Fall and a Spring…we jumped from Snow to 100-degree temps in May…and I *live* for Spring!

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