Last weekend, we went back to Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm. Oooooh, what fun we had…first the apple cider in pumpkin bottles…love those pumpkin noses!
Jail with Mama…it could be worse…they could be going grocery shopping with me!!! A chore all of us dislike with great intensity.
Running around at the Fort…Ken’s and my goal was to get them good and tired for the ride back to Reno. Goal achieved.
On the Pumpkin Train…Bella kept repeating “I love trains!”…another thing she has in common with Alex! Alex and Kata wanted to ride in the Cattle Car.
Then it was time for a hayride to the pumpkin fields to pick this year’s batch of pumpkins.
Ken was determined to walk out further so we can get to a Not-Picked-Over group…
Alex carried his own pumpkin all the way back to the wagon…such a Big Kid, eh?
Bella found one right away…and held onto it…repeating over and over again (2 year old logic pattern)…”I found my pumpkin!”
And here we are, waiting for the hay ride back to the measuring stations…5 pumpkins for 2007…I know what you’re thinking…good luck with the carving!!! Thank goodness for those pattern booklets!! Until next year…pumpkin pickin‘ time if over.