Saturday, June 23rd 2007 • Family, People We Love

I Can See Clearly Now

Another milestone reached…as Alex put it so eloquently…”I keep getting new equipment…first the braces…now glasses!”…He has a slight astigmatism…and only has to wear them in the classroom (to see the whiteboard) and when watching TV or movies…He may look like his Dada but he has his Mama’s eyes and therefore the nuisance prescription…He’ll get over it, I’m sure…Girls do make passes at boy’s who wear glasses…dear me, that will hopefully happen *much* later.

Becks…posing for all the world to see…I’m a beautiful puppy…who loves…mud and grass…and these crazy people who adopted me.

Bella still *loves* the Elmo chair that Maka gave her for her birthday. Nobody can sit in it except her…not even Beckham.

And then there’s Kata…always ready to…strike a pose. Okay…let’s stay focused and clear…and enjoy this weekend…welcome to Summer!

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