Wednesday, July 4th 2007 • Family, People We Love

Endless Summer

Summer does have an end…unfortunately…and ours ends on July 9th when Alex goes back to school and starts (yikes) Third Grade. It’s a Love-Hate Thing I have with this Year Round, Multi-Track School Calendar. But in the mean time, our What We Did on Summer Vacation List is almost done –

Basketball Camp was a blast this year. Alex missed his buddies from last year but actually placed second in something called Knock Out. He’s running in the background left…
Then as a total surprise…our Baka came to celebrate a Very Important Birthday with her grandkids…the treat was a yummy lemon butter cake from Joseph’s Vienna Bakery. Kata ate all the lemon candies, Alex taste tested the cake before the candles were blown out and Bella, well, Bella, just helped herself to fistfuls of icing. Yum!

Then we headed out to Bowers Mansion’s pool for some cooling off…

Alex managed his first dive off a diving board! After two tries…the third one counted!

And Baka, who is not a canine’s biggest fan…fell for Beckham…as you can see…Puppy Love…in its purest form.

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