Just checking in to make sure that you got your copy of the Twilight DVD. I mean, honestly, you should. Alright, it’s my thinly veiled attempt to generate even more revenue for Summit Entertainment. Not that they need it. The day before the DVD’s release, Kata and I got our nails done with the appropriate […]
There are some famous tea parties out there. The Boston Tea Party. The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. All valid in their own way. But then, there are our tea parties. And they have their own themes and uses. This one was the Track Break’s Almost Over and We’re Killing Some Time So Let’s Have A […]
I know, you’ve been waiting with bated vampire breath to read my review of “Twilight.” I have to admit that after seeing the Midnight Screening on Friday morning, I was left with a Not Like The Book But It’s Still Good feeling. Oh, there were parts that bothered me…a LOT…especially a much loved, pivotal scene […]
So if you’re wondering where I will be tomorrow night at 12:01 am, let me stop your guessing. I will be viewing the much anticipated “Twilight” movie after consuming mushroom ravioli (it’s in the book, trust me on this) and pomegranate martinis (because, well there is a vampire theme). Here enjoy my favorite clip from […]