Oh, the Olympics. How we love them. Especially the Winter Olympics. There’s Snowman Building. Bobsledding. And Hot Chocolate Consuming. What??!!?? Those categories don’t exist in the Winter Olympics?? Really?? They did in ours.
As we move through Track Break, there are many creative opportunities. We have a gazillion art supplies but I have to admit that some of my favorite moments are when I see them huddled over a notebook with a pen in hand, writing something that’s oh-so-very-important. So here’s a sampling of Kata’s latest musings in […]
We’re half way through our Off Track break and I’m here to report that, I think we’ve hit the Official Stage of Oh, Not Another Day of Park Play Wall. Trust me, there are still activities abound. Alex has scouts and has actually achieved the first rank, of…that’s right…Scout. Yes, they crossover and then achieve […]
I wanted to do one post for January, because our December was So Chock Full O’ Stuff. And what better post than to focus on the one thing I despise about January. I’m sure you can guess. It’s true, I hate the snow, the ice, the tediousness of school starting and then stopping so we […]
“Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there. ” ~Amy Li As an Only Child Mom who watches her children interact with each other every day, I find myself assisting in the negotiations of hourly battles and I have to […]
Our first snow of the season. It’s always a little magical as it falls softly during the night. And it’s always a little awe inspiring when you look it from the morning glow of a newly christened Snow Day. But by late afternoon, when you’re out shoveling the driveway for the second time, it’s not […]
Oh you, expected this post, right? Yes, for all of you who know, I am by all means “one of those” Twilight obsessed people. And well, because I have kids, I take it to a whole other extreme. For example, on the day of New Moon’s Premiere, Bella (no, she’s not named after the main […]