Barack Obama came to Reno yesterday for a rally of 200 Democratic invitees at one of our local high schools. It was invitation only. And yes, I totally wanted to crash it. The media reported that he had charisma. And stood right next to people keeping eye contact and really listening. Mhmmm…that worked well for […]
So here they are…ready to walk to school in the morning. Alex. Ken. Djedo. Becks. Quite the sight when you see them all lined up like that. Three generations deep. Three generations proud. Albeit different branches of that generational tree, but we are all tied together in a legal and binding contract so what does […]
Here’s a trivia quiz for you. What occurred on August 7th in the year that – – All Quiet on the Western Front won the Academy Award for Best Film.-Uruguay defeated Argentina in a 4-2 World Cup win.-Unemployment soared to 8.9%.-Cost of a First Class stamp was $0.02.-Astronomers discovered the 9th planet, Pluto. Why, my […]
Having three kids you quickly realize that you are outnumbered, outplayed and definitely outlasted on a daily (and nightly) basis. What gets you through those times are your friends and your family. It also helps tremendously if you have friends who also have three kids. They understand the model because they live it, too. And […]
Baka is the Serbian word for grandmother…more correctly, its the diminutive form, i.e. granny. We celebrated Baka’s birthday with homemade cherry cake…and lots and lots of candles placed semi-securely by her grandchildren, wearing their grandfather’s (Djedo’s) South Beach Yacht Club matching shirts. Bella made us all laugh when she proclaimed that it was “time to […]
So we’re a little bleary from last night’s recital…it started at 7 pm (actually 7:20) and by the time we got all our things, headed home and tucked ourselves in…it was 1:15 am. Our kids have ::NEVER:: stayed up that late. But it was so worth it. Look at Grandma Sandi with Bella and Alex, […]
We love when happy things just trickle in…and today…the big brown truck stopped by our house one more time…and what did it drop off?? Why one more birthday present for Bella! Many thanks to Auntie Daphne for the beautiful black and white ballerina cow…it’s so perfect. Bella loves purple (as does her Auntie Daphne) and […]