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Sunday, November 14th 2010

All Things Must Come to an End

Alex and I are so excited to see Harry Potter 7.2. It’s sad to think that this will be the very last one. But, before that we have “Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”. You all know how very much we’re looking forward to that movie. Kata and I are also looking forward […]

posted in: Books, Family, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Things We Love

Thursday, November 11th 2010

All Things First Snowfall.

It’s that time of year when amidst the golden colors of autumn, we begin to see white. And we put on those parkas for the very first time. That first snowfall is always so full of promise and hope. Promise that it won’t stay long and hope that it’ll be a mild winter.

posted in: Family, Things We Love

Sunday, October 31st 2010

All Things Spooky Oooky.

Apparently our years of “What Disney princess would you like to be, sweetheart?” are gone. The girls are done with my favorite costumes of all time, and I’m absolutely heart-broken that NO ONE was Snow White. I had the perfect plans to create a deliciously wicked poison apple. *sighs* Instead, I present to you…a Zombie […]

posted in: Family, Holidays, Things We Do, Things We Love

Thursday, September 30th 2010

All Things Growing.

Such a fun moment to see Bella with our very favorite Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Kirch. Yes, the saintly teacher who taught all three of our kids. And it was so fun to see Bella reading in front of everyone. An aproppriate moment to focus on how very quickly kids grow — the theme of their […]

posted in: Family, People We Love, Things We Love

Saturday, September 18th 2010

All Things Edge of Motherhood.

I’ve actually had people ask him How Do I Do It? I always pause and try not to smirk too obviously when I answer – Do what?? It’s simple. I revert to my most basic instict. That of a Project Manager. Seriously. Yes. Throw out all those feel good books about motherhood and approach the […]

posted in: Family, Things We Love

Thursday, August 26th 2010

All Things Swimmingly.

At the start of summer, Alex struggled with his swimming skills. The truth was that Ken and I enrolled him in all these sports but we never had time to pick up swimming again and it had been a few years. Last year at Boy Scout camp, Alex didn’t pass the Water Safety Test and […]

posted in: Family, Milestones, Things We Love

Wednesday, August 25th 2010

All Things Middle School.

Another milestone for our family. The oldest kid is starting middle school. WOW. Look at all the supplies he needed. It’s just massive compared to the crayons and one folder of years past.  But he’s ready. Kinda. And so are we. Kinda. His one request was for us to NOT drop him off on his […]

posted in: Family, Milestones