“Oh my twitchy witchy girl, I think you are so nice, I give you bowls ofporridge, and I give you bowls of ice cream, I give you lots of kisses, and Igive you lots of hugs, but I never give you sandwiches with bugs, in. “– Neil Gaiman, Coraline I know I’ve mentioned it once […]
Just checking in to make sure that you got your copy of the Twilight DVD. I mean, honestly, you should. Alright, it’s my thinly veiled attempt to generate even more revenue for Summit Entertainment. Not that they need it. The day before the DVD’s release, Kata and I got our nails done with the appropriate […]
ser·en·dip·i·ty – (srn–dp-t) n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.3. An instance of making such a discovery. Sometimes, little moments of serendipity hit you and they leave you feeling oh so very happy. Like when you discover a new favorite drink at your neighborhood […]
There are some famous tea parties out there. The Boston Tea Party. The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. All valid in their own way. But then, there are our tea parties. And they have their own themes and uses. This one was the Track Break’s Almost Over and We’re Killing Some Time So Let’s Have A […]
Alex and I have been busy reading through the Harry Potter series. It’s my second time through the books and his first. And I have to admit that sharing it with him has made them even better. Hard to believe, I know, but oh so true. We just finished my personal favorite – Goblet of […]
We had an amazing Christmas Morning. First, it’s just like that Colbie Calliat song, “Mistletoe” for truly “It’s not Christmas if the snow don’t fall…” And in our case, it fell, in big huge flakes. Amazingly beautiful and so quiet – truly a Narnia or Hogwarts setting just outside our door. And no, I didn’t […]
I know, you’ve been waiting with bated vampire breath to read my review of “Twilight.” I have to admit that after seeing the Midnight Screening on Friday morning, I was left with a Not Like The Book But It’s Still Good feeling. Oh, there were parts that bothered me…a LOT…especially a much loved, pivotal scene […]