Friday, December 7th 2007 • Family, Things We Do

Alll Things White and Wet.

snow n. Frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes.

snow n. (Alex’s interpretation) something dogs and kids love and parents think is a pain they need to get through.

Well, it finally came…the first measurable snowfall of the year…a good 4-inches…complete with a one-hour delayed start on an already Early Release Day…can’t we just call it a Snow Day and stay home in our fuzzy pjs watching Christmas videos and eating popcorn (yes, we still have *TONS* of Boy Scout popcorn left to pop!)?? Our decorations finally look uber-festive.

Sigh…instead, I’ve got to package the kids up in their snow finest (who invented carseats with no/little accomodation for thick winter parkas??)…and drag them to drop off Alex…only to return a mere 2 hours and 50 minutes later to pick him up…thanks for letting me whine…

We’ll be baking Santa cookies, cooking chicken soup in the crock pot and watching snowflakes fly this afternoon…another storm is coming in…

(edited – Okay, the girls and I came back from Drop Off…and got inspired to build a snowman…his name is Lumpy…and we *love* him…he improved everyones mood!! )

Wishing you a peaceful snow-filled moment…if only in your mind…Here’s to a White, Lumpy Christmas, everyone.

(edited, again…Alex came home and he and Becks went outside…Becks hated the snow at first…and then I couldn’t get him back in the house…neither one of them for that matter…)

Also the shoe parade has changed …boot time!!

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