Now why didn’t I come across these people ( ) when I worked, outside the home…the latter clause my Stay At Home Mommy friends always add…I should abide by their stripes…but you know me…if stripes are in, I’ll be in spots…big, red ones, please.
I remember it all so well…one boss in particular…loving these thematic, motivational posters…his office was dripping with them…and he was a Company Man, you know the type who so didn’t pull his own weight (always a fan of delegating i.e. “cascading work”)…thought he was loved so much (“My employee survey scores are what down?? We changed surveys this yeaer…we have to coach the team on how to fill these things out so next year my scores are higher.”)…and uttered the word “teamwork” like it was a prayer…I wish I had a poster or a mug then…
Instead, I have this now…
Wishing you a day of trivial perspectives…and a smile or two…or three….as things change so they stay the same, sort of.
Hey there! I just wanted to drop by and let you know that you won the chainmaille bracelet on my blog earlier this week! YAY! Email me at earthenwood at with your wrist size to claim it!
I did???? Noooo!!! Yay!!! Thank you!!!