As we move through Track Break, there are many creative opportunities. We have a gazillion art supplies but I have to admit that some of my favorite moments are when I see them huddled over a notebook with a pen in hand, writing something that’s oh-so-very-important.

So here’s a sampling of Kata’s latest musings in her Writing Journal:

What The Girls Wrote When They Grow Up
When I grow up, I’m going to be a grandma.
When I grow up, I’m going to be a big sister.
When I grow up, I’m going to be a rock star.
When I grow up, I’m going to be a teacher.
When I grow up, I’m going to be a vet.
When I grow up, I’m going to be a ballet dancer.
When I grow up, I’m going to be a store owner.
When I grow up, I’m going to be a wedding dress designer.

I’m not sure where she got the prompt idea. She claims she just sat down and wrote it. And I believe her. She’s only seven years old, after all. Do you remember these lists from when you were that age?

I do. I wanted to be a figure skater, a teacher, a businesswoman, a wife, a mother and a writer. I think, at this point, most of those boxes have been checked off. I’m looking forward to Kata’s journey. A ballet dancing, wedding dress designing, rock-star-store-owner-vet will have tons of stories to tell when she’s a grandma.

How about you? Do you remember your list?

4 Responses to “All Things What The Girls Wrote When They Grow Up.”

  1. marye~ says:

    And Kata can be all of those things and more! So very very sweet she is and with such a loving and supporting momma, what else could she ask for?

  2. HAHAHAHAHA! Marye,if only that were all true. She's just a kid and I'm just a mama. You know the routine well, I'm sure.

  3. We are all still writing our lists! Kata is great! What fun to see her grow up to be so amazing and wonderful!

  4. It's true, Kathy. We are all still Works in Progress. And hopefully, many more items will be added to our lists. 🙂 Great reminder!

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