On Veterans Day, Alex’s Den was asked to march with one of the Boy Scout Troops in the parade.

I, as usual, wasn’t completely thinking and dressed the girls in Peace Sign shirts instead of a more traditional red, white and blue. Honest mistake. Imagine my surprise when as we’re standing there, waiting for the parade to start, none other than the Silver State’s very own, Governor Jim Gibbons was standing right next to the girls and I. And as any good politician always is, he was ready for this photo op. As I told Kata later, there are only 50 such dudes in all of America, and you stood next to one of them today. I think she got the importance of being governor, don’t you??

The parade was truly inspiring and motivational and uplifting.

In the haze of soldiers, bands and ROTCs, I barely caught the boys as they marched by.

And then these soldiers scared Bella. Their Practice Maneuvers were very intimidating. Kata kept asking if those were real rifles. You can picture how the girls and I huddled in our Peace Sign emblazoned shirts.

But, it was an amazing sight to see all the men and women who have served and those who are currently serving. Our thoughts turned to Uncle Rick and Uncle Tak, immediately. And to all those MIA/POWs. May they all come home, one day.

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