Saturday, March 22nd 2008 • Family, Milestones

All Things Science Fair, Part 2

The week ended with a Basketball Playoff…Alex’s team lost in their own version of March Madness…no matter…he improved so much from start to finish…I truly hope he goes out for basketball next year…but the team overall seemed to peter out at the end…so we finished the season not so triumphantly…but full of little accomplishments that they individually gathered…a lot to be proud of those self-named Mad Dogs.

And after the last game, we went to the Regional Science Fair…remember our excitement over Alex’s Second Place at his school??? Well, now we were playing in the Big Leagues…against all of the Northern Nevada Elementary Schools….and using university professors as actual judges…we were quoting the Academy Award nominees about “just being happy to be there.”

The judging was last night…and in the wee hours of the morning we logged on to the website to see…that our Alex…got a….Honorable Mention…

We were a little giddy. Our first Science Fair. Second Place at his school. Honorable Mention at the Regional Science Fair. We know it’s a Fluke. But we’re going to enjoy the happiness anyway.

It’s well deserved. Little Dude (and his Mama, here) worked hard to stick to the Scientific Method and make it as real an experiment as we could. What amazed me about the process was the judges (judging from 6 pm to midnight) took the time to write constructive criticism on each and every science project. Ours got a “great journal and data” and an “excellent representation of your data!”

It’s good that this Mama put her marketing skills to use…and the use of a nice report cover (that was for Tante Lorraine…see professors haven’t changed that much in the 20 years since we’ve been students…always go for the quality report cover with the nice page protectors).

Below’s the picture that will make into his biography (properly tinted and blurred)…I know that he will cure all sorts of ailments one day…and not have to worry about the next round of funding…ah, a Mama’s Dream at least.

We celebrated by hoisting a round of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Wishing you an “ah-a!” moment as you enjoy this spring weekend.

4 Responses to “All Things Science Fair, Part 2”

  1. Rick says:

    A fluke! What you talking about Willis!!! I sense a budding scientist in the works!<BR/><BR/>Congrats Alex (and mama alike!).

  2. Rick says:

    Hope you guys are having a good weekend!<BR/><BR/>Tell Ken I played tennis and sand volleyball yesterday with a bunch of the guys… Looks like I completely munched my toe! I think I tore some ligaments or something. Thing is all swollen and looks like plum! LOL<BR/><BR/>I am SOOOO old!

  3. OMG! Rick…re: toe munch…you’re a nut!! Go have that plum-y toe looked at…aaarrrgghh!! <BR/><BR/>As for Mr. Science…a fluke is a fluke, my friend…and we’re the very definition…but happy about it nonetheless!!

  4. […] was dying to enter the Science Fair again this year, especially since he met with some success last year. But, it was a struggle to get anything done this time. Because Alex is Off Track, we had trouble […]

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