But wait, they also encourage you to sing karaoke on stage to the tunes of all your Tween Faves, like Miley Cyrus, High School Musical and of course, the Jonas Brothers. You get all this plus the chance to celebrate with your friends while your mother and father act just like the Hollywood paps…watch out TMZ, this Mama’s got a new digi-SLR to play with!
Bella fell in step with all of the requirements. At three and a half, she is our Big Girl for sure.
Even the ever patient Big Bro got in the act. What a good sport. Not to mention he got a little monetary kick back from both his father and grandfather for allowing them to do this to his hair. I am going to so save this image for embarrassing slide shows of the future.
And the grandparents were enjoying every minute, can’t you tell?
Before we knew it, it was time for the Big Moment. Don’t ask me what she wished for…I think it was a scooter…or once again, she wanted to be a mermaid, for real.
When we came back home, I begged them to pose in their frilly hairdos, just one more time. Kata has announced a desire to become a rock star when she grows up so I am obliging her with the necessary PR moves.
And oh my, the scooter was waiting for her when we got home. So of course, we had to test it out in the balmy 30-degree weather.
And Alex had to show of not only his matching sweater and hair…but his hot moves on his scooter.
And lest we forget the original Hot Mover of them all – Ken. Who did it Old School Style. And yes, honey, there’s nothing wrong with that. See the goofy grin on his face?
Wishing you a moment where you Kick It – old school style or not. Enjoy the moment. We did. Every glittery, pinkalicious, frosting covered bit of it.
When any 1 of my three girls wears anything pink these days I get such a thrill inside my heart…gone are my days of bows and twirling in skirts…and barbies…and pigtails…I miss it so much it hurts! So share, share, share Sophie for those of us who mourn days long gone and just hope to survive teenage years! Don’t blink or you’ll be here too 🙂 We are moving there…I’ll need to get in
Thanks for the reminder, Jen!! We’re in the thick of dress up and bows and glitter…I could just squeal with delight! It will pass and if they are like me, it’ll be all black and very alternative music around here. I’ll email you so you can have my addy, too. Love to be of help!
wow it looked like you all had tons of fun!! I wish we had a place like that around here, I know my girls would love it.
You know it’s Mom-Owned and Operated…this gal started her own biz and let me tell you, it’s hopping right on through our sucky economy.