Thursday, January 10th 2008 • Family, Things We Do

All Things Photo Contest.

Hopefully, if you can click on the link above…you’ll be able to cast a vote or two or three for our picture on the Reno-Tahoe Moms site…who knows…we’ve tried this before and they wanted you to log on…but I think this time they may have eliminated that time waster…

We’re back to our normal routine…decorations are down…the house is quiet (okay the normal hum of our day to day frenzy is back)…and we’re back in the school, swim class, scouts, ballet, basketball groove…love it.

Now I need a Spa Getaway vacation just for me…I can dream, can’t I? Wishing you a moment of solitude…

2 Responses to “All Things Photo Contest.”

  1. Valerie says:

    i voted!<BR/><BR/>i was looking at the post below this one…and hoping to shout that it’s NOT that snowy this week…did i not tell you i’m up in Cold Springs for a few days? :o)

  2. You’re the best…enjoy our "warm" weather…seriously, it should be sunny and high 40s!!

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