Monday, August 18th 2008 • Family, People We Love

All Things Obama, Obama, Obama.

Barack Obama came to Reno yesterday for a rally of 200 Democratic invitees at one of our local high schools. It was invitation only. And yes, I totally wanted to crash it.

The media reported that he had charisma. And stood right next to people keeping eye contact and really listening. Mhmmm…that worked well for both Reagan and Clinton so let history repeat itself there.

But, when I found out that he was at PJ’s my heart skipped a beat. PJ’s famous for yummy salads. But the man ordered carrot cake and ice tea. Gotta love that. Skip right onto dessert and wash down the frosting with a low calorie beverage. He had me at frosting.

Go to your favorite local place and enjoy the ambiance today. Reno is still basking in the limelight.

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