Wednesday, February 4th 2009 • Family, People We Love

All Things Mother’s Little Helper.

What a crazy schedule we have this year. Alex and Kata are on two different tracks which for those of you not in a Year Round Multi Track school means that they are off at different times during the year. Alex’s month off is February. Kata’s is coming up in March. And to complicate matters further Bella’s in morning preschool while Kata is in afternoon kindergarten.

If you actually followed that logic, I congratulate you and would like to explore further algorithms with you over an adult beverage. Let’s just say that our Tuesdays and Thursdays would make a NASA Launch Check Off List seem simple.

But a friend of mine offered some assistance to me in the form of her older daughter. This past Monday, she suggested that her daughter come over and be my Mother’s Helper. This would give the girl some practice to sharpen those babysitting skills and it would allow me a few hours of relative peace to get some things done around the house. As you know by now, I live for these types of win-win situations.

While Kata was at school, my Mother’s Helper played with Bella. And let me tell you they were creative in their choice of activities – sidewalk chalk drawings, a quick game of golf, a romp with the dog in the backyard, reading at least a dozen Valentine themed books, four games of Go Fish and at least three trips to the bathroom all within the time frame of a three and a half hour gig.

When my friend came to pick up her daughter, the dear girl exclaimed, “Mom, I am soooo tired.” My friend looked at me and I said, “Which one of us is going to thank the other first?” I was grateful for the gift of uninterrupted time and my friend was grateful for the opportunity for her daughter to develop a new skill and learn the value of childcare.

Sometimes gifts come in the form of an offer to lend a hand. Wishing you a moment where you lend a hand or accept the outreached one offered your way. You’ll see that on either side of that equation is a good feeling.

2 Responses to “All Things Mother’s Little Helper.”

  1. Anytime, you need Brooke would love to! Now you have 2 options, aren’t you lucky!!

  2. Oh Ms. Brooke!! AB-solutely…I love your girls, Ms. Kathy…yes, in a heartbeat…Mon/Fri are good for us…I am lucky and blessed to have moved to a new place and found such wonderful friends.

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