[Bella is in the middle and those are her teachers. How we luv them!]

This Spring is full of milestones for us and here’s another one to add to our list: our last Mother’s Day Tea at Sunflower Preschool. It’s my very favorite event there perhaps because they ask only the Pre-Kers and their mothers, grandmothers, aunts or godmothers to attend.

Can you see all the frothy delights??

It’s like a Faerie Tea, isn’t it?

And then, all of the kids come out and sing these wonderful songs that make all the mommies weepy. Yes, every year, I get out the tissues.

When the kids are dismissed, they present you with these wonderful creations that they spent all week making. And it’s well, see for yourself…it’s a moment of tremendous pride for the child and for the mommy.

Here’s to the end of one chapter and to many, many new beginnings.

Did you have a Spring Celebration that you enjoyed? Think about it for a moment. It was magical, wasn’t it?

2 Responses to “All Things Mothers’ Day Tea.”

  1. I admit to being one of those moms who loved having babies and small children. I AGONIZED over the knowledge that they would eventually grow up into ADULTS. <br />O_o<br /><br />But I&#39;ve been pleasantly surprised to find this phase of motherhood every bit as awe-inspiring and rewarding as those early years. Less sticky, yes(!). But SO wonderful.<br /><br />It just gets better, I promise!<br /

  2. Michelle – <br />Your words are so very very wise. I am looking forward to the less sticky years. <br /><br />*glances at box of wipes on her kitchen counter*

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