Tuesday, March 23rd 2010 • Family, Places We Go

All Things Masterpiece.

We keep trying to see new places around our city and imagine our delight when we saw that the Nevada Museum of Art was exhibiting a Raphael painting. I know right? Yup, here in Reno.

The kids had never seen anything quite like it, so using our Be Prepared motto, we had Alex read about Raphael from wikipedia and well, we were on our way.

Note their excitement? It’s genuine. We didn’t bribe them with anything, I promise.

Now we weren’t allowed to take pictures of the painting, of course. But the children (okay, Alex and Kata) did marvel at its beauty and the details that Raphael was able to achieve a mere 500 years ago. Kata especially focused in on things like her jewelry and the wayward lock of hair on her temple. Alex was fascinated by the ornate wood frame that weighed hundreds of pounds.

I was really proud of them because we don’t go to a lot of museums (children’s ones aside, of course). They really did listen and appreciate the artistry. In fact, Kata went into the reading room and immediately start thumbing through books on Renaissance painters.

And where was Bella, you ask? She was on the rooftop posing on some very functional art.

We really loved this excursion because I was able to catch spontaneous moments like these. No, they didn’t pose. It was just one of THOSE moments.

Well, we had THESE moments, too.

Then, exhausted and yet, filled with artistic inspiration, I asked them to pose one more time. Yes, it was clearly time for a snack.

Do you think The Masters had these issues with their models?? I think not.

Wishing you a masterpiece moment today – filled with darkness and light and an inordinate amount of detail. May you appreciate every passing moment.

2 Responses to “All Things Masterpiece.”

  1. marye~ says:

    Oh, I wish I could have been there, so much fun!

  2. Marye, it's a tiny museum by most standards, but it was perfect for us. And a great opportunity to see a masterpiece in all its glory. Also, a great opportunity to learn a little bit about the Renaissance period.

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