Sunday, December 23rd 2007 • Family, Holidays

All Things Joy.

The last 24-hours was filled with Pure Joy…Baka and Djedo bought tickets for the Moscow Ballet’s Nutcracker performance here in Reno…and Alex, Kata and I all went to see it…what a performance! What a dance troupe! It was simply brilliant and the dancers were beyond compare…Kata enjoyed it from a ballet point of view…Alex loved the special effects and the athletic ability of the dancers…I just enjoyed the whole thing…especially my kids all dressed up…they sure do clean up nice!

And my Bella, who cannot even sit through movie previews nevermind the feature film, got to stay home with Dada and do some last minute shopping after which they retired to viewing the Sharks game and anything on ESPN…especially the ticker scores…don’t feel sorry for her…she got to boss her daddy all around the store…my little Shopper In Training.

And this morning, the morning of our church’s Christmas Pageant…all of the kids decided to come into our bed…so grumpily, I headed off to Alex’s bed just to catch another 15-minutes of snooze time…when…Dog Pile, literally on Mama!!

Which brings me to another funny Bella saying…for all the reasons you can think of…when Becks does something he shouldn’t…I’ve taken to calling out “oh, the dang dog…”…for those of you giving me mental pats on the back for not cursing, I thank you…so…guess who’s picked it up? Yeah, Bella…except she uses it as part of his name…as in –

Me: Bella, can you give the dog a snack?

Bella: You mean the dang dog, Mama?

Me: I mean the dog, Bella…Becks, the dog.

Bella: Me give the dang dog a snack? Okay, Mama, I give the dang dog a snack….weeeeell

And then it was time for the Christmas Pageant…and both girls were angels…here I am clipping on those angel wings…no surprise that they had some trouble staying on our angelic youngest one…

Alex was Joseph for a second year in a row…and here he is with the Wise Men and a wayward shepherd…all buds from Sunday School.

And after all the preparation…it was over…the costumes were beautiful and the children well behaved…people kept coming up to me to tell me how beautiful it was…the angels, the stars, the Wise Men, the shepherds…Mary and Joseph…only one little angel got a little restless and climbed down off of the soleas to be with her Dada…our very own Bella…this was a great first try…but here’s to next year…and an even better staged pageant…wishing you a moment where you are the star of your own show….cheers!

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