This year’s Great Reno Balloon Race was it’s usual colorful cacophony of visual goodness. We woke up at 3:30 am in time for Dawn Patrol and yes, it was worth it. The heated balloons against the cold, black sky were incredible.
Yes, that is the moon above the lit balloon. It was very very early and for once not so very cold, at all.
For someone who rarely sees the colors of dawn without staying up all night, I was amazed at the sheer beauty of a sunrise. See the balloon in the far right hand horizon? Yes, that was one of the Dawn Patrol balloons. It drifted off due to some pretty high winds. But look at the beauty of nature unfolding? And no, I didn’t Photpshop this at all. It is SOOC (straight out of camera) for my photography buffs.
Except for Bella. She hated the noise the balloons made and the “fire” scared her. So she spent most of the race under blankets in the little red wagon, looking like this –