Tuesday, January 20th 2009 • Balance, Things We Love

All Things Hope.

Alex and I started a journey almost exactly a year ago at the Nevada Caucus. Alex got a rare opportunity to be part of the process thanks to our wonderful precinct leader, Billy. Alex got to ring the bell to gather everyone to vote.

As a poli. sci. student, I loved the opportunity to participate in this authentic way of casting a vote. It was messy and raw and precise and yes, I loved every moment.

Alex wondered who was going to get my vote, after all the Hillary supporters were passing out Krispie Kreme donuts and t-shirts and he so wanted one of those. But I told him, go up to the student with the Obama sticker sheet and get one. That’s who Mama’s voting for, we need change, little dude, we need change desperately.

And look, our entire precinct voted for change that day – Obama’s 56 votes to Clinton’s 36. It was still very early in the campaign only January.

Then in the Fall as the election was nearing, Obama and McCain kept criss-crossing our state. One night I woke up and told Ken that I was taking Alex to the Obama rally at UNR the following morning. A few of you received our phone calls at 6:15 a.m.. It was so early and we were so excited.

When Mr. Obama took the stage, all I remember is how the crowd took a collective breath and didn’t let it out until he was done.

I know you’ve seen this picture on the blog before, but it bears repeating at least for me. He came around first to us, the people who were in the sun on an unseasonably warm morning to shake our hands.

And because Alex was the first of three kids he came to in that long line, he paused his Secret Service guys and looked right at them and said in the most paternal, caring tone, “Well, hey there.”

And he shook Alex’s hand. See?? He’s letting go right there. I was just snapping away, desperately wanting to catch the moment. And I did.

So six stolen lawn signs later, one early vote, one nail biting Election Night, I kept Alex home from school to finish our journey and watch all the Inaugural Ceremonies live.

It’s been quite a historical moment for this mama and her almost ten year old son. One that I am glad we took together.

Wishing you a completion of a journey and that feel good feeling you are sure to experience afterwards. Here’s to hope and the start of something new and fresh and good.

4 Responses to “All Things Hope.”

  1. That was quite a journey!! I’ve been waiting to see what you would write since you were so into the election!!

  2. Yeah. It was quite a journey. Thanks for following it with us. What’s amazing to me is how much Alex has grown…I know…Duh Moment for this Mama. I kept him home yesterday, so he could watch everything unfold live. Very cool.<BR/><BR/>Glad we did. Pretty sure I can File Under – Things That Will Nevery Happen Again.<BR/><BR/>But in Reno, you never know…biggest little city and all!!!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVin the obama pics!! yea! YES WE DID!

  4. Love your blog, LTR…and yes, Obama, as well! May he change this country for the better.

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