Friday, May 15th 2009 • Family, Milestones

All Things Graduation Day.

When I look at these pictures, I am at a complete and utter loss for words. Our oldest daughter is going to be a Kindergarten Graduate. I know it’s the first true step in her academic path. But I cannot believe that we are already witnessing it.

It seems like just the other day, I was dropping her off at pre-school and she was clinging to my leg begging me to stay. And now, pigtails in place, she’s on her way.

Wishing you an On Your Way Moment. Enjoy the steps and the path.

2 Responses to “All Things Graduation Day.”

  1. Ladybug says:

    Oh my gosh….how time flies! Before you know it that beautiful cap and gown will be for a High School graduation!! It was touching to read your blog today and to remember when my own went from kinder to 1st grade!! I will be having my own touching moments before long as my oldest will embark on her final year of high school next year! <br /><br />I wish her nothing but the BEST as she

  2. Thanks for the reminder, Cheryl!! Yes, I cannot believe that Alexa will be a Senior next year. WOW!!!

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