Sunday, September 21st 2008 • Balance, Places We Go

All Things Go West, Young Man.

Alex’s fourth grade class took a field trip to Donner Memorial State Park this past week. The best part for me? Well, Ken got to go on the field trip. It was his first one and I think both the boys enjoyed it immensely.

Besides the learning about the obvious, i.e. the Donner Party, they also learned about the general harshness of life in the mid-1800s while on a wagon train. The height of the statue represents how high the snowfall was that year. You can actually see it from I-80.

Note how they are all straining to fill out their worksheets?

After lunch, they also got to explore some of the surrounding hiking trails and our beautiful Sierras. Note, Alex is appropriately attired in his Cal shirt!

The best part for all the kids was the fact that they had to cross a state line to get there. They were all impressed that they were all the way in California.

The best part for Ken, well, the field trip ended early. So while the kids were returned to school and class time, Ken got to come home to Bella and myself quietly playing in a house where only the sound of the dryer could be heard for another hour. And because he is a smart man he didn’t ask, “Is this what you do all day?” On a side note, “Oprah” wasn’t on yet and we were fresh out of bon-bons in the pantry.

Wishing you a moment of discovery. Go out there and find your piece of nature today. Feel the crunch of a hiking trail under your shoes. Enjoy.

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