Bella is done with preschool which means Ken and I are done with preschool as well. Don’t get me wrong, we loved our years at
Sunflower Preschool but, we’re ready for more Big Kid pursuits. Or are we?
So as we made the journey across town, from Sunflower to home, for what was surely the last time, I realized I was sad to leave the wonderful teachers and that creative, nurturing environment. Both Kata and Bella were enrolled there so for me it was more than a milestone; it was a farewell to those first years of school. I immediately thought of all the drop-offs and pick ups of the last four years. The tearful separation anxiety (not always mine) and the happy pick-ups with glitter-filled, construction paper creations.
I will miss Sunflower. I will miss preschool. I know the adventures that await in elementary, middle and high school will be even more exciting. I think, sometimes, I’m not ready for those. But perhaps I am. I know they are. Why are we, the parents, always the reluctant ones?
Think of a moment when you let something familiar go. How did it make you feel?