Friday, July 17th 2009 • Family, Milestones

All Things First Day of School.

It’s been an incredibly busy July. You can tell by my lack of posts. I truly have not forgotten the blog or all the wonderful friends and family members who read it. I promise to get into a rhythm of regular updates soon.

Alex and Kata started back to school on July 6th. I can’t believe that we have a Fifth Grader and a First Grader in our family now.

As you can see, Alex took the whole thing in stride. He’s in the oldest grade at the school and although I kept quoting that old Grease line about, “Now, you rule the school!” He just kept staring at me and sometimes even rolling his eyes. Yeah, he’s in that tween stage for sure. I’m getting full on eye rolls.

Kata was thrilled to be in First Grade. We snuck into the school’s hallways to check out her classroom. And lo and behold, there was her name listed on Mrs. Gipe’s doorway.

Ken took the morning off to help with the Drop Off ritual. The First and the Fifth graders are literally on opposite sides of the building. So Ken went off with Alex and I stood waiting for Kata’s teacher to come out and get her class.

And before I had time to register that this was really IT. Kata walked confidently into First Grade. She was now, at last, in full time school. A real elementary school kid. Not a nervous little Kindergartner. But a confident student. Wow. How things changed from last year.

And here’s the other change. Our walk back home. I only had one kid with me. And she was running ahead. Confident, as well. Bella turned around once to tell me, “Mama I love it when it’s just you and me.” One day when she’s a Mama, she will understand why my eyes teared up at those words. But until then, she’ll run ahead of me. And I will have to get used to that.

2 Responses to “All Things First Day of School.”

  1. The last part almost made me cry!! Those moments are so few!! 1st & 5th Wow!! Kata is so big now!!

  2. Oh Mrs. Freeman!! You&#39;ll be there soon enough. It does make me cry. Bella says it almost every day. I realize how very precious my time is with each one of them.<br /><br />And look at you with a Middle School-er!! Eeeeek!<br /><br />Miss you, darlin&#39;, we need to get together for some iced tea somewhere, &#39;kay??

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