That just didn’t happen with our crazy schedule. So with no testing of the waters, I dropped off Bella to the same school that Kata attended. The same school we didn’t visit all summer. I know, stop with the maternal guilt, already.
Bottom line – I shouldn’t have worried. I said good-bye at the playground. She was playing in the sandbox. It was her favorite place to play and I always had to drag her away from it when I used to drop off Kata. Now, there was no dragging. Just a quick good-bye, a high five and out of somewhere she pulled out a fist pump and turned back to filling her pail with more sand.
I turned quickly away and ushered myself out. It’s like pulling a band-aid. The theory is that the quicker you pull it, the less it hurts. And that’s all partially true. No tears from either Bella or myself. I nursed my wounds with an iced latte and thought about all the milestones we’ve incurred in the last few weeks. Time is truly amazing, the way it keeps marching.
The wonderful teachers at Sunflower Preschool took the shot off her playing on the rocking horse. I didn’t want to add to the stress of the day by toting my camera. Don’t worry, I’ll do that on Thursday. I’m always making room for more therapy moments later in their lives!
Wishing you a band-aid opportunity. Pull, quick, no owies. You’ll see.
Congratulations to Bella, and to Mom and Dad too! What a big girl! No worries about not doing the practice session. We missed our practice session when Matthew started preschool and he did just fine, even at the rolling dropoff!<BR/><BR/>L
And that’s why L, I ::love:: you!! Still chuckling over "rolling drop-off!"