Sunday, January 13th 2008 • Family, Milestones

All Things Fabulous.

Well, Kata’s Glamour Party finally arrived…although the morning was rainy, the skies cleared up just in time for the one o’clock gathering…and all the girls came even in spite of the postponement due to last week’s blizzard…how fabulous, indeed!

The first thing the girls did was get their hair done…they had a choice of 5 hairstyles – princess, diva, cheerleader, flower child and movie star…did you have to read this far to know that our darling Kata chose the Princess style???!! I know you *knew*!

Bella was all psyched up just to be included…she’s also been sitting diligently on the potty the last few days…so she may get to hold the Riggsby Potty Training Record as the earliest one to be potty trained…keep in mind the average age of a U.S. child to learn potty training is 2.5…we tend to pull that average up…sigh.

Then it was time for dress up….Kata, fresh from the post holiday resumption of her ballet class, chose a ballerina outfit…naturally.

And all she wanted to do was dance with her Big Brother…who bitterly obliged…he does have a sweet side still…

Bella…chose…what else…but Cinderella…here she is showing off her “glass slippers”…please don’t tell her they are actually ruby slippers…she hasn’t seen “Wizard of Oz” yet…the flying monkeys still scare her mommy…

Every girl got a fabulous hairstyle and then dress up followed…

And then my personal favorite part…the make-up…Alex volunteered to assist Bella…he was really helpful that day…all Bella wanted was to put on “yip-stip” and nail polish…in purple…her favorite color.

Couldn’t resist this picture…they all certainly knew their way around make-up…

She’s ready for her close-up…note how the eye shadow is on the brows…love it…she didn’t remove her glasses…God bless her!

Time for the Red Carpet to be rolled out…the party goers were interviewed and asked the following questions –

  1. Your nickname- Kata.
  2. Your favorite activity – Painting.
  3. Your favorite food – Mac and Cheese.
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up?- A Rock Star!!!!

and then there was Bella –

  1. Your nickname – Belly.
  2. Your favorite activity – Bugging my brother and sister.
  3. Your favorite food – Ice cream.
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up? A princess.

Oh…and the birthday cake…can you sense the excitement from here???

No, we haven’t changed the spelling of her name…for some reason…the “C” version is now popular…Caterina…or of course, the hurricane version…Katrina.

And then exactly one and a half hours later…ta-da…it was over…no clean up…no mess…just one happy father carrying the gifts home…two tired princesses being strapped into their car seats…one exhausted mama mentally counting all the hours she put in since Halloween on what shall be termed Holiday Prep Work…one big brother on his way to a 3-hour basketball clinic…and one quiet evening as everyone turned in early – priceless.

For us, the holidays are now finally over and we can breathe a collective although weary sigh of relief. Wishing you all a moment of quiet peace and a nap.

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