Egg dyeing, it’s a Process in our family. And I have to admit that Ken coached the kids through it this year.
Note how, he was a Smart Daddy and used Alex’s old baseball shirts?? That was due to the Red Dye Incident a few years ago, when he dropped a bowl of Greek Red Egg Dye which stains
beyond permanently. They say the mark of a good man is his ability to learn from mistakes. See, I knew I picked a Good Man.
And then the next day, we attended Easter Service. Notice, how they’re all dressed, coiffed and wind-blown? Our weather has been highly uncooperative this year. But it’s been wonderful for special effects. I just asked Alex “to, please, put your arms around the girls…” and he did. Miracles do occur on Easter Sunday.
Bella made an Easter Bonnet at preschool. I loved her use of pink, blue and yellow. Watch out Paris, London and New York, you may have a new designer in your ranks one of these days.
The kids made Twilight eggs just for me. Edward was supposed to be “red” I was assured. So why is Jacob orange?? And in our Egg Cracking Game, Edward won. Just like in the books. I knew you’d want to know. I think Ken may have rigged that somehow.
And then look, a Spring Faerie showed up. The snowflakes on the right were just decals on the door but somehow, it makes the picture look more magical, doesn’t it? I’m pretty sure the Spring Faeries would welcome this new addition into their court.