Some of you may have heard…but, at least for the last three years, if not most of my life, I have had trouble just breathing…I’ve also had some nasty ol’ sinus infections…so sometime last November I decided enough was truly enough and I went to a Ear, Nose and Throat doctor who was very recommended…and after a month of antibiotics and a CT scan…all he could see was a “severly deviated” septum…

So the good news is…I get to keep my 40-year old tonsils and adenoids…and my sinuses show no signs of blockage or scar tissue…but I can’t breathe because the darn inside of my nose is literally bent out of shape…ah, some of you new the figurative could be literal.

On Tuesday at 1:45, I’m going to get the septum fixed once and for all…should be a short surgery…30-35 minutes…but it does require general anesthesia…which I don’t wholeheartedly look forward to…I know all will go well…and in a week…which is the expected healing time…I will be able to take a deep, cleansing breath like I haven’t been able to take for most of my life…

And no, there won’t be any cosmetic surgery…although the laugh lines (HA! a misnomer) are deep enough to require something…I think I’ll stick to just fixin’ the innards of the ol’ nasal passages.

Wishing you that deep, cleansing breath….right now.

Edited – I am feeling 100% better post surgery…once the yuckiness of anesthesia wears off I should feel 100 million % better… The doctor said my septum was thicker than expected and was completely blocking my left nasal passage…and for the record I have no swelling, no black eyes…just like the doctor promised…once the tube things come out…boy, will I take that deep, cleansing breath!!!

Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts on healing…without them this quick recovery would not be possible!!!!!

2 Responses to “All Things Don’t Get Your Nose Bent Out of Shape.”

  1. Pinching Abe says:

    Glad to hear you are doing well. Hubby thinks he has a deviated septum as well, I keep trying to get his 35 year old nose to an ENT to see why he can’t breathe well through his nose, but men are just impossible.

  2. Men…now there’s a subject that we can go on and on about…yup…mine is in need of an ENT as well…refuses to go…there you have it!

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