Saturday, November 29th 2008 • Family, Holidays

All Things Deck the Halls.

There’s nothing sweeter than unpacking things you haven’t looked at for at least a year. Like our Christmas book collection. And then you realize just how many holiday themed books can a family of five possibly have? In our case, lots and lots and lots is the answer.

The process of putting up the tree is a three stage one – the tree, the lights and then all the ornaments. Ken has made this an art form. Honestly, the man has rightfully earned the Griswald Award of Distinction for Lighting. We are that movie – Christmas Vacation.

And I swear, they all posed willingly for one snapshot in their Santa Hats. I didn’t have to resort to bribing, begging or beatings…kidding on the latter, relax…it’s just that time of year when straight after Thanksgiving…our children become exceedingly aware of the fact that the Fat Jolly Red Elf is watching them – closely. And they better be good alright.

Wishing you a moment of enjoyment as you unpack your holiday decorations and realize how much you’ve missed their glittering presence. And oh, yes, remember, being good this time of year will pay off in the long run…or in about 25 days.

2 Responses to “All Things Deck the Halls.”

  1. momcat133 says:

    love the post! We’ll put up our tree soon… I know where our ornaments are… in the dining room!<BR/><BR/>Enjoy your tree! I love it!<BR/><BR/>L

  2. And they will sparkle and glisten in the mirror of those new floors of yours!!!<BR/><BR/>So glad you guys got away for a mini vacay.

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