cabin fever – (noun, date 1918) Distress or anxiety caused by prolonged confinement in a small or remote place, as in “We’ve been snowed in for a week and everyone has cabin fever.” Originating in the West, this term at first alluded to being penned up in a remote cabin during a long winter but has since been applied more broadly.
Alex shooting hoops while Bella’s going down the slide with Daddy spotting her in the background.
And Becksie patiently waited in the sunshine…the dog is no fool.
And then after 45 minutes, we wearily headed home, noses sniffling from the biting sunshine…but it was all worth it…we got out of the house and into some fresh air.
Wishing you some fresh air this week…literal or figurative…or a little of both, you decide.
My girl gets antsy and loves to go the playground, as well. Looks like nice weather there! Cute pup!
He’s a goofball (the puppy)…and we love him…glad we’re having some sunshine, finally!