Friday, September 18th 2009 • Family, Things We Do

All Things Daddy’s Way.

One random Saturday, Ken took the kids and their bikes to our closest shopping center. They were having one of those Sidewalk Saturday Sales and were advertising fun things to do with kids.

Being a great hubs and daddy, he sent these pics from his iPhone. And I emailed him back – “Nice to have brunch with Daddy when it involves sprinkles, frosting and cookies.”

So he made up for it by taking them to Port-O-Subs for an early lunch. And he replied back – “Sometimes Daddies do things differently from Mommies but in the end it turns out to have the same effect.”

He even made sure that Bella had her “olibs”. She loves olives with a passion.

And then they rode back home. Happy, tired and yes, having consumed a healthy meal albeit slightly backwards. Daddy’s Way was not the same but yes, Ken was right the same effect was achieved.

Sometimes it’s good to try something different. Hurry, try something different today.

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