Friday, December 11th 2009 • Balance, Milestones, Things We Do

All Things Crossing Over.

I’m slowly (okay, not really) catching up on our December posts. And as they unfold, you will wonder (I promise, you will) how did we survive it all?!? I’m still wondering myself.

Crossover from Cub Scouts usually occurs in the Spring but for various reasons, our Den decided to perform this time honored ceremony in December. Why not?? We’re not doing much so hey, what’s one more event?

See those arrows that Alex and his Den are holding? One night that week, over wine and desserts, the Moms (and one Dad) of Den 6 got together to make these very symbolic arrows. Each color represents an achievement in Cub Scouting. Together it represents The Arrow of Light. And that achievement is the only one along with his Religious Merit Medal that he can take along to Boy Scouts. Phew. Aren’t you glad I took a second to explain? In short, it’s a Big Deal.

So the moment came. The actual Crossing Over portion of the program. Ken performed the duty I love — taking off of his last Cub Scout kerchief.

And then Alex’s solemnly stepped over.

He was met by one of the Boy Scouts from his new Troop. Please note the properly “twirled” (do Boy Scouts “twirl”?) kerchief of our beloved Troop 15 vis a vis the others?? Yeah baby.

That’s our Troop Leader. He runs a tight ship and a fair one.

Immediately, Kata had to try the old kerchief on. Just “in case Girl Scouts wore one”. Hmmm.

Oh, the new oath. Note the 3-fingers versus the Cubbie 2-fingered oath. Not to be confused with the 1-fingered salute this Mama no longer gives anyone in our School Pick Up Lane. Nope. Not I. Never. Ever.

Then, Bella did her version. For some reason, I see protest marches in her future not scouting.

So take a moment now,think of some childhood milestone you accomplished and ask yourself was it worth it? For Alex, the answer so far is a resounding “yes!”

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