Almost summer…and there’s still snow in them thar hills…beautiful…very late in the afternoon, we went off to Callaghan Park, where its incredibly shady…”thanks to all the conifers” as Kata would add…yes, she knows the word from a They Must Be Giants Playhouse Disney song…yup, everywhere you look, conifers….

The moment we got to the park, Kata hits the swings…she loves swinging…look at her little pink self against nature’s backdrop….

Alex on the other hand, wanted to play in the creek…what little boy (or not so very little these days) doesn’t?? He used his Frisbee as a boat…through all the white water…so to speak…little bubbling white water…he was Indiana Jones, he was an explorer, he was a scout…he was whatever he wanted to be that day.

And Bella, well, she napped…under the whispering trees, in the shade of the shade.

And Kata came to help Alex with his exploring ventures…

And then we all hit the swings one last time….

And Bella woke up just in time…that girl loves swinging…man, does she ever…when my arm got tired, Ken had to step in….Daddy pushes it higher than Mommy, of course…and what’s not to love about that??

We then played, peek-a-boo on the play structure…and said good-bye to a wonderful, late afternoon adventure.

Wishing you a Longfellow moment…your very own Children’s Hour

Between the dark and the daylight,

When the night is beginning to lower,

Comes a pause in the day’s occupations,

That is known as the Children’s Hour.

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