Friday, August 7th 2009 • Balance, Family, Things We Do

All Things Child Labor.

To be filed under – This Is Why We Worked So Hard to Have Them.

The kids are all at that stage in life where they are desperate to help us with chores. Even car washing has become a fun diversion for them. As our temps warm to close to 100F what better (and cheaper) way is there of staying cool than water, bubbles and a good hose? Yeah, I couldn’t think of many others, either.

I mean, seriously, child labor is a good alternative these days, don’t you think??

Unfortunately, like all good things, even a car wash has to end. Because, well, we only have two cars, and oh wait….

…we do have a dog. Dog wash anyone??

Wishing you a bubbly moment this summer. Go on, find it. Hurry. Summer’s almost over.

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