Saturday, May 17th 2008 • Family, Things We Love

All Things Blockbuster.

You can just feel that Summer is upon us…and school is about to end, summer camps are about to begin and Summer Movie Blockbusters are opening every weekend…with the latter in mind, Alex and I have been busy watching all three Indy movies in preparation for the “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” as well as reading “Prince Caspian.”

Right now with summer in the air, I am reminded of just how much I love movies…and finally, I have a little companion who can watch them with me!!! The fact that I had to give birth and wait 9 years for him to mature in order to wake up my DNA pattern is a separate issue altogether!

Here he is doing his Movie Countdown Ticker and wearing Ken’s old Disneyland Indy hat –

It’s really ::HOT:: here…we’re going to hit 95-degrees tomorrow…that’s about 15-degrees above average and will be an all time record…so escaping to the movies is a Good Thing.

Here are some pics of Mt. Rose (with a rapidly melting snow pack) and a sunset taken from Alex’s room last night…feel free to meditate and Think Peaceful Thoughts :)…Wishing you an escapist moment this weekend…and thank you to all who wished me a Happy Birthday for my 45 (yikes) trips around the sun this past week…although I was grumbly, your sentiments were appreciated!

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