Thursday, January 1st 2009 • Balance, Things We Do

All Things Blank.

It’s a Brand New Year, and before we fill it up with our usual level of high jinx and adventure, I thought I’d take a moment to celebrate the concept of blankness.

A blank page.

A new chapter.

An untread path.

The year is waiting to be explored and we can hardly wait for the hilarity that is sure to follow.

Enjoy this Intentionally Blank moment. Happy New Year!

2 Responses to “All Things Blank.”

  1. RR says:

    Hehehe… I think it oddly appropriate that Ken has the "intentionally blank" card on his head!<BR/><BR/>;)<BR/><BR/>Happy b-day old man!

  2. Yeah! And for me the mouth…you were just too kind to state it…I couldn’t resist when we got our new insurance id cards…and they had this one?!?<BR/><BR/>I passed on the well wishes…he is indeed an old man, now!

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