Sunday, February 10th 2008 • Balance, Places We Go

All Things Basketball and Ballet.

Alex’s back is to the camera & he’s number 2.

Our Saturday morning started off nice and early…at 7:45…that’s in the a.m….we were at the Damonte Ranch High School gym…the smaller one…they have two…and a dance studio…and everything’s air conditioned/heated…took me back to the gyms I sat in during Ken’s Basketball Coaching days…where neither airconditioning or heat entered the picture…file under – Things I Learned From Being A Coach’s Wife…always take the back row in the bleachers…you are never too young for back support.

So we settled in to watch Alex play against his BFF Ryan…After, two potty breaks for Bella…the game was over…

And Ryan’s team won…20-18…it was close…the Mad Dogs were truly in it the whole time…dontcha love the name 8-9 year old boys come up with? The Mad Dogs…no more need be said on that subject.

And then…we were off across town…to Kata’s Ballet Class at the Nevada Dance Academy. She started there in November when we switched studios to get her some more formalized training…and we have seen vast improvement…Ms. Diane runs a tight ship filled with pointed toes and finished moves…can you tell??

Bella anxiously awaits her turn for basketball, ballet and anything else the other two do.

Love how they all line up and keep their feet in the same position.

Ms. Diane corrects Kata’s arabesque…point until you feel the stretch…

And then it was noon…and we retired to nap-time feeling like we accomplished so much…which, for once, we did.

Wishing you an afternoon of bouncing balls and graceful moves.

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