Oh, after weeks, no months of rehearsal finally the day of Recital was upon us all. Backstage was it’s usual “multi-colored dream coat spectacular” of frenzied mothers and carefully coralled performers. Fortunately, the Grand Sierra Hotel’s Grand Theater has a gigantic backstage area. Think hangar sized. It’s a beautiful thing.
And then it was performance time. Apparently, I had absorbed all of Bella’s separation anxiety because as I sat nursing a margarita, she hit the stage. And in spite of what we will label “The Pinching Incident” where some girl in line accidentally pinched her shoulder right as they took the stage, she hit the boards with no tears and all smiles.
She and the other “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” dancers blew kisses –
It’s her fifth recital and she’s only six years old.
She had a complicated tambourine dance to the “Tarantella”. We held our breath as she came through the arch to hit the tambourine on a 6/8 count. But she did it, yes, right on beat.
Backstage, our little Diva – Miss Kata, turned around and said in a voice that could shake loose plaster, “Where is Alex with my flowers?” Demanding, yes. Loved, certainly.
When she turned around, he was there, proudly holding them out. Well, maybe not proudly, but willingly. He even chose the flower color to match their costumes.
Never to be forgotten or outdone, Bella declared, “Well, where are MY flowers?”
I know you can see the exhaustion in my eyes as I changed them into their Nevada Dance Academy t-shirts. It was over. And we didn’t break a leg. Life was, once again, good.
Wishing you a Break A Leg moment. Go on hit that mark underneath the spotlight.
It was so worth all the time spent preparing – look at the beautiful smiles – all the memories that were made in just a moment!
Thank you, Julie darlin'!! I know you are one of the few who Truly Knows what it takes to get all this together. You're in the Pros and I'm somewhere in the Intro portion of this process.