Oh, some of you know the drill. I’ve been tagged, viciously by armloads of people I used to care about. And now I feel backed into a corner and forced to do this. So for all of you who tagged me and you know very well who you are here is apparently what you were so very curious to read-
25 Random Things About Me.
I never realized what True Love was all about until my son was placed in my arms and I looked up to see my husband’s face.
Three kids later, I now know that a Mother’s Love is “stretchy” and yes, mothers really do love all of their children equally, even when they are driving them absolutely positively crazy.
I’m not sure what my natural hair color is anymore. I’ve been dyeing it since I was eighteen.
I’ve explored every hair color shade from platinum blonde to bittersweet chocolate. I’ve realized that while I like extremes in politics, I don’t like extremes in hair color.
I prefer shades of red – in hair color, lipstick and shoes.
I own over forty five pairs of shoes/boots. Most of them are higher heeled. Thirteen percent of them are red. Some of you are now calculating that, aren’t you? Here’s a hint – round up.
I am a bookworm. There’s a book in my car, my handbag and piles of them on my nightstand.
Fictional characters amuse me, greatly, still. They always have and they always will. And they know who they are.
Dust doesn’t bother me. Dust bunnies amuse me. They always have and they always will. And they know who they are.
I tolerate dogs. I love cats. We have a dog now.
I like mint chocolate chip ice cream. I don’t understand people who order vanilla or better yet, French Vanilla, like that would make a difference.
I only use Madagascar Vanilla in my baking. Okay, sometimes Tahitian Vanilla, too.
I had a 0.25 mm superficial spreading melanoma “mole” removed from my back a year and a half ago. I always wear sunscreen. You should too.
I love taking pictures. I can easily save 100 a day to my hard drive. That’s after editing them in Photoshop.
I love coffee. A little too much. Especially in the morning. My eyes won’t open without it. My moods won’t swing without it.
There are eight different cereals in my pantry. No, make that ten.
I love American Idol. There I said it. And I don’t care.
I love red wines. They go well with small children and American Idol. Try the combination, it works.
I love tea. The spicier the better. Good Earth Original. The fully caffeinated version, please.
I cannot go to sleep without brushing my teeth. My kids can.
My parents are my grounding wire. So are my friends. And I am grateful for both.
I drive a tan SUV with a license plate that reads “MAMATXI”.
One day, I want to have a red convertible with the same license plate.
I love words and I don’t like numbers. That’s why I married an accountant.
My first thought was to place a hex on all who tagged me. But now I thank them for the opportunity to collect my Random Thoughts in one place.
If you actually made it through reading all twenty five items – congratulations and consider yourself tagged.
Wishing you a moment where you find yourself greatly amused at what your very own brain can spew out in the form of twenty five random bullet points. Enjoy and you are most welcome. And I promise no hex. Well, maybe, if you don’t do it within the week.
I couldn’t think of 25 things that quick..at this point of my life…you are good…enjoying life even if its random is what keeps us moms going! I have some mother helpers who could help you…call us!
Jen, consider yourself tagged!! You will think of 25 Things, trust me, these just rattled off from my demented brain cells.<BR/><BR/>I so need to have you come over for a chat and some tea. And by all means, I look forward to Mother’s Helpers and babysitters!!! YAY!!
Brilliant. YOu should consider doing this for awhile. Call it "25" or "Random" or "Things." Here’s a prompt…"25 Random Thoughts Carson has when Perusing Your List…"
For the record, my darling BFF Lorraine…Carson would stop at no. 8 and shove his hands deep inside the front pockets of his jeans, tilt his head slightly so that cowlick of his would be more pronounced and smile. There you have it. As I said, "they know who they are." And yes, of course, there’s more than one.
Coffee + mornings = me happy bunny<br /><br />Love your list, it so made me giggle. Number 1, I was gushing so much reading that for you : )
You're a sweetie LovesSam!! One day, you will know Number 1. Trust me. All in good time.
How about three of us, with you two drinking coffee while we're all in a little cafe in London… with our fictional favorite characters and their "real" look alikes *dies laughing*
So so so much trouble the three of us would get into in Londontown. I can't even begin imaging the hypothetical situations. *giggles*