Thursday, April 29th 2010

All Things Middle School.

We attended Sixth Grade Orientation at the newly opened Kenedi Depaoli Middle School and wow, what an eye-opener. The facility is gorgeous. Fresh. New. Green. We were very excited, can you tell? Alex was excited and perhaps a little nervous. Either way, he didn’t want to pose for his Paparazzi Mama. Do you see that […]

posted in: Balance, Milestones, Things We Do

Sunday, April 25th 2010

All Things Camp Half Blood.

Alex has been busy this year reading through all of the Percy Jackson books. Have you read them yet? They’re truly wonderful and magical explorations of Greek Mythology in a modern day world. If you haven’t seen the movie, yet, it’s being released on DVD on June 29th. Here comes the endorsement: if you liked […]

posted in: Family, Milestones, People We Love

Sunday, April 18th 2010

All Things Elevensies.

It’s been such a cold Spring. Lots of freakish snowstorms making me remember another Spring, eleven years ago when a certain little boy was born just when the primroses on our patio began to blossom. Happy Eleventh Birthday, Alex!! Yes, that is our Traditional Birthday Number pancake breakfast made just for a big kid. I […]

posted in: Family, Milestones

Tuesday, April 6th 2010

All Things Altar Boy.

When you’re an Altar Boy in an Eastern Orthodox church, you get to pass out hundreds of dyed eggs on Easter Sunday. Hundreds. Did I mention that they’re all dyed red?? Yes, it does come off, eventually. Love our traditions and how they’re passed on down to new generations. Take a moment to think of […]

posted in: Family, Holidays

Sunday, April 4th 2010

All Things Easter Bunny.

Egg dyeing, it’s a Process in our family. And I have to admit that Ken coached the kids through it this year. Note how, he was a Smart Daddy and used Alex’s old baseball shirts?? That was due to the Red Dye Incident a few years ago, when he dropped a bowl of Greek Red […]

posted in: Books, Family, Holidays, Things We Do, Twilight