I knew the day would come, when requests for Disney/Cartoon themed pumpkins and costumes would end. And so it has, for at least, Alex. This year instead of a Disney Prince or a Knight, he wanted to be a Death Eater from Harry Potter. Okay, it’s Harry Potter so I wasn’t too sad. Then he […]
Multi-generational photo shoots can prove exhausting but because my parents were in town we thought, hey why not. It’s been a while. So we matched up our clothing fairly well. And posed and posed for the better half of ninety minutes. Do you like the results? I love this picture of My Boys. So tall, […]
At Double Diamond Elementary School there are a number of ways you can become Student of the Month. But mostly it has to do to sticking to the core principles that every student needs to be Respectful, Responsible and Safe. Right before she went Off Track (we’re in Year Round school), Kata received a Student […]
Bella’s preschool took their annual field trip to Ferrari’s Farm here in town. And while we go way out of the way to Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm, I’ve got to admit that Ferrari has a nice selection and hey, they’re so close. The best part of the trip? Bella got to be bossy. She excels at […]
We celebrated 16 years of marriage on September 4th but we postponed our anniversary present until October 17th for a very good reason. You see my all time favorite singer/composer/rock star, Rob Thomas, was coming to Reno. Yeah. I know, imagine my joy upon reading this information on his blog. But, Ken did something special. […]
Alex is on a soccer team that he helped name – The Anacondas. They have a pretty even record this year and his skills continue to improve. There he is in the bottom row, second from the left. He’s squinting against the wind and the sun. The best part of watching Alex play these last […]
I posted the review over at Keep Reading To Your Child but had to mention it here as well. I’m often asked what books inspired my strong love of fantasy fiction. And while I point to The Chronicles of Narnia most often, the truth is there was a little book found in the recesses of […]